“BUILDING” на казахском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное


имя существительное

construction erection fabrication assembly

примеры использования

” Decision made, she can’t get out of the building fast enough.

The building visible from the ground was only part of the distro center.

Filden dare not chance picking its padlock or cutting the links, so crept around the building until he found a door that was easily forced.

There were signs of building foundations on the banks toward the mountain, and the eroded remains of an ancient jetty protruding into the dry lake.

It barely even registered when the rescue team arrived outside the building.

The children did not enter this way, but were driven around the side of the office building.

On the upper floor of the building there were four rooms looking toward the street and four rooms looking into the patio.

Curtin did the cooking while the others were busy building stations and getting all the guns and ammunition at hand.

Down a dead-end cross street, there was a large building that looked much like an inn except all of its windows were shuttered.

”She studied the calluses already building across her fingers and palms.

Diamond Eye flinched and bared his teeth, fire building inside him.