“FLAG” на казахском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное



tire grow tired/weary weaken grow weak wilt droop fade run out of steam

имя существительное

banner standard ensign pennant banderole streamer jack gonfalon colors Stars and Stripes Old Glory Union Jack Jolly Roger Red Ensign Maple Leaf

примеры использования

Staring at the banner, he noticed that the modalman bearing the flag looked familiar.

Morian ran out onto the causeway, a white flag in his hand.

Her light-blue maxi skirt flaps around her ankles like a flag.

The only remnant of the president left in the room was an American flag that drooped from the rafters.

The American flag and the Great Seal of the United States hung at half-mast.

It is like us waving a flag to a blind man or wafting a fresh baked roll beneath the nose of one who cannot smell.

To do so would be considered as tactless as shooting at trucks bearing the Red Cross sign or at men waving a white flag among civilized nations at war.

That’s why they had to band together under the flag of the United States of America.

They had also paid with their lives for the failure of their enterprise, because they were fighting under absolutely different conditions from Washington the Great, and these fighters for their country were condemned not only by the crown of Spain but also by the Holy Inquisition although they fought under the flag of the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe.

Seeing so many jolly sailors hanging around because their ships had hoisted the red flag which indicated that they were taking in oil, Moulton had an idea.