“HIT” на казахском языке


другие переводы

beat hit strike whip
beat hit pound blow strike


имя существительное

blow thump punch knock bang cuff slap smack spank tap crack stroke welt karate chop impact collision bump crash whack thwack wallop bash belt clout sock swipe clip slug


strike slap smack spank cuff punch thump swat beat thrash batter pound pummel box someone's ears whip flog cane whack wallop bash bop clout clip clobber sock swipe crown beat the living daylights out of knock someone around belt tan lay into let someone have it deck floor slug smite

примеры использования

Reality drops like a hit on the Billboard charts.

He felt them hit the shield.

The glass missed its head and hit its flank and burst in a thunderclap of imploding air.

He raised his arm to strike her and she shrank back, hands up in front of her face to protect herself, knowing as she did that he would hit her anyway.

One of the killers jumped off Diamond Eye’s back and turned into the wind before he hit the ground.

A second blast hit him close behind her.

He was in such a hurry that he did not give corn to the burros as they usually did since they had hit this hard road.

No one else now except maybe Chay-Liang, and it hit him hard then that the Watcher was dead.

It felt like he was being hit with steel.

It didn’t matter, though, because the sheriff was sure he had hit the lotto when he spotted his mark: a young black male driving a $60,000 truck.

They hit it off immediately.