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There’s a general agreement that the details are fuzzy, even for those who are adept at reading skins, but then an argument breaks out, accompanied by an influx of caps lock and exclamation marks.
Nesta’s limbs were beginning to lock up from the effort of clinging like a bear cub to the tree.
“When I was young, my father used to threaten me with this place; that he would lock me away here if I did not do as he commanded,” she said.
Let them take whatever they can, lock down their homes and shops as best they can, but every man, woman, and child should be behind these gates before the sun sets.
”Heffi put his hand on the wheel lock and withdrew it sharply.
It’s not as if they’re kept under lock and key.
He then asked Alsayer, “You came to tell Baron Fedgley the Dark Kind are massing, but someone has attempted to lock down the area, to prevent you or other casters from portaling in and interfering.
Then the smaller managed to block and lock the arm of the larger, and flipped him off his chest onto the ground, where the tussle commenced anew.
The lock was as simple as that on the manacles.
She had this neck game on lock.
Tate brushed back a lock of silver-white hair then hesitantly opened the pack.