“MARCH” на казахском языке


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hike trek tramp slog footslog walk route march forced march


stride walk troop step pace tread footslog slog tramp tromp hike trudge parade file process

примеры использования

If he strayed from the march or fell from his mount, one of them would patiently fetch him back, like he was an errant toddler, and save him from the hungry ghosts, uncanny beasts, and other terrible things that infested the Black Sands.

So, you think we could pull those men and march to Spinesend?

It was a soldier’s lot in life to fight, to march with Death beside him, and he had led males into battle multiple times.

Wear it and you may summon the dead to you, command them to march at your will.

Surely they were wondering why Dobbs didn’t shout to them to be on their way, for they were accustomed to march the moment they felt that the packs were well tied to the saddle.

And I wonder, if you search your mind very carefully, if you won’t find that you had similar ideas on this lonely march.

So he decided not to search any longer, but to hurry back to the burros and march off as quickly as possible.

Yet dona Maria had only begun to play her game to make sure of her safety for the rest of the march.

Dobbs pushed him violently in the chest and yelled: “Up now, and march where I tell you.

“What are you going to do, Anne, march up to the palace and tell them their father is behind it?

Would Shkarauthir and others like him be honour bound to march alongside the rest?