“MIRROR” на казахском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное


имя существительное

reflecting surface full-length mirror hand mirror side mirror rear-view mirror looking glass glass


reflect match reproduce imitate simulate copy mimic echo parallel correspond to

примеры использования

He watched from his side mirror as the small, thin-featured sheriff approached the car.

He hadn’t looked in the mirror lately, but he assumed he was covered in blood, sweat, and mud like usual.

A whetstone, probably stolen too, along with this little hand mirror.

Various kinds of expensive timber shipped from the northern tropics made up the floor, inlaid as a subtly pleasing pattern of muted browns, blacks and creamy whites, and polished to a mirror finish.

Vassa’s was a mirror.

Emerie, a mirror image to her left, simply smirked at the shock on Nesta’s face.

You use that mirror to watch me when you think I’m not paying attention.

She looked in her mirror sparingly, so as not to see that her body had lost its voluptuousness.

A mirror would have been nice.

They floated, insubstantial but frighteningly real, like a passing shadow or a reflection of light off a mirror in a dark room.

” Cassian gestured to a rack of massive bows and quivers beside the mirror.