“PLAY” на казахском языке


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имя существительное
game play
play act


имя существительное

amusement entertainment relaxation recreation diversion distraction leisure enjoyment pleasure fun games fun and games horseplay merrymaking revelry living it up


amuse oneself entertain oneself enjoy oneself have fun relax occupy oneself divert oneself frolic frisk romp caper mess around

примеры использования

At the same time she felt a strange play of emotions from Diamond Eye, things she wasn’t used to.

“Do you know how to play the lute?

” How could John play innocent like that?

After the street gig he had to play earlier today he was feeling salty.

He had no idea how well she’d learned to play it.

Pat knew how to play the good fellow, even the Bolshevik comrade, to catch his men cheap.

But he honestly couldn’t bear to have her watch him play today of all days.

“They’re a myth whispered around fires, and a warning for children not to play near the water.

And friends play road trip games.

Everything she did to get up here was totally worth hearing him play.

CHAPTER 21AFTERDylanDylan didn’t sing the lyrics, and he didn’t play the guitar.