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They hadn’t shared the details of what they’d overheard in Yarrow, and no one had bothered to press them.
He needed to nudge and press and push.
It’s the equivalent of somebody reading press cuttings about me and thinking they’d know what happened when I was part of the Six.
At their summoning, all weight of the water fell away from him, and he moved unencumbered by the ocean’s press.
We know that any city that joins the UCA becomes a bigger target for the Homo Demens, but we have to accept the dangers and press on, no matter what.
At present, the lack of an ambassador from Karsa, who was also killed along with Duke Abing of the Naval and Interior Ministries in the attack on the Assembly leaves our government unable to respond, or to further press the Maceriyans on their intentions.
” Howard knew that he must not press these people when they are telling stories.
The press of people caught the countess in a web of doffed caps and modest bows as they expressed their gratitude.
After so long in the empty skies, the people all around them seemed to press in.
The urge to press her body into his, to feel his warmth and hardness grinding into her, nearly overrode every rational thought.
She leaned in to press a kiss against his torn mouth.