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The burros were brought in from the pasture and taken into a thicket in a ravine near by, where they were tied to prevent them from running away.
A man wearing the blue uniform of the delivery team waved a signal at Sam to prevent him from descending back down, and ran up to him with the cargo in his arms.
Luckily for him, the majority of the party were still sane enough to prevent this injustice.
” cried the thief as he released the orb, holding the crossbow up to prevent Rew from attacking him.
They exist to prevent the world from being shattered.
Why didn’t you do something to prevent your kidnapping from the cell?
The Indians realized that at this place something must have happened to prevent Dobbs from keeping his burros together.
He had clapped his hands over his mouth and was desperately holding on to prevent himself from screaming.
Vand determined then and there that he would find a pilot for the machine, and he knew with utmost certainty that Jolyon would stop at nothing to prevent that from happening.
He then asked Alsayer, “You came to tell Baron Fedgley the Dark Kind are massing, but someone has attempted to lock down the area, to prevent you or other casters from portaling in and interfering.
We don’t have the right or the means to prevent it anyway.