“SHELL” на казахском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
shell scab


имя существительное

carapace exterior armor exoskeleton


hull pod husk shuck

примеры использования

” She shivered, and he smiled against the soft shell of her ear.

She patted the alchemist on the back, hugged him again and shrank the gold-glass shell into a ball in her hand.

He tapped on her shell and looked nervously at the dragon.

The large window was covered in black and the dome that had once straddled the bed to protect it was lying on the floor like an empty shell.

Etched into its shell were the three entwined dragons of Vespinarr.

Fire billowed everywhere but the golem had stepped close and placed its shield around her, caging her in a gold-glass shell.

The skull had been shattered like the shell of a nut and the brains had been scooped out.

Sam wondered if destroying himself would release him from this shell.

It sniffed and cocked its head and tapped with a talon as if to see what sound the shell would make, then shuffled back and stopped and watched her.

It was nothing more than a shell of what it once was.

Made into a long-lived Fae, yes, but aged into a withered shell as punishment for the power Nesta had taken from the Cauldron.