“STONE” на казахском языке


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rock pebble boulder



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Pitted stone became shining marble and Morfaan glass.

Aarin lay back on the stone as dozens of vengeful spirits passed from him.

Pieces of stone and flying metal fizzed overhead.

Circling slowly, he walked out from the fire, spotting waste the foul creatures had left and the marks on the stone where they’d disturbed them.

He could have picked up the world and thrown it into the sun or shattered the moon and made it fall in fragments across the sea for each one to grow into a strange new island of silver stone.

She’d dismounted and touched it herself, and it had seemed to her that it was the same stone as the eyrie, the same white stone that ran through and beneath the Pinnacles, riddled with archways, whose soft light reflected the wax and wane of the sun and the moon and the passing of the stars, whose gateways supposedly opened to other worlds now and then when no one was there to see.

As soon as he could walk without veering sideways and falling over, he followed to the other side of the wall and onto the bare rock rim where one of the six glasships Chay-Liang had used to move the eyrie was chained into the stone.

”The boy was a big lad, eleven, twelve stone of what looked to be solid muscle and bone.

The door to her room was an ill-fitting iron thing that didn’t belong, wedged into an opening in the soft glow of the white stone walls.

He stood at the end of the gully, staring at the bare stone around them, looking for tracks, but knowing he would find none.

A stone arch whistled past.