“WATER” на казахском языке


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имя существительное

H 2 O Adam's ale


sprinkle moisten dampen wet spray splash soak douse souse drench saturate hose (down)

примеры использования

The absence of his warmth, his scent, was like a bucket of ice water.

Tsen shook his head and pulled his finger out of the water.

There was no wind to blow her scent to him, but from the way her throat bobbed as she glanced between them …Azriel let out a cough and walked toward the water station.

A wheel was constructed with empty tin cans and small wooden cases, and with the help of a burro this could be made to draw the water from the tank, lift it with those cans and cases up to the upper tank, from where, on opening the shutter, it would run down the channels to wash the sand.

Armoured knights upon the backs of juvenile anguillons cut sharp wakes in the water.

He flipped the ice out to the floor and then dipped his middle finger into the water.

How long had Emerie been in the frigid water?

It was a slender finger of water compared to the arm that flowed farther south, but they’d passed hundreds of feeders where water poured down from the pale gray mountain on the other side.

So she stood by the tub, the water gushing from the spout, while he knocked on her door.

The drowned circled outside, those that had recovered from the blast attempted to get within, but there was some barrier they could not breach, and they clawed helplessly at the edge of the water with their bony fingers and puffed corpse flesh, dead jaws snapping their frustration.

EpilogueThe dragon Snow circled high over the mouth of the Fury, enraptured by the ripples in the water.