“DROWNED” на польском языке


другие переводы

drown sink plunge
sink drown immerse submerge flood inundate
melt drown thaw
sink drown go under
drown jam deafen din howl down
drown soak duck



make inaudible overpower overwhelm override muffle deaden stifle extinguish

примеры использования

I’ll not be drowned.

The night cleared enough that Cassian could see Rhys at the bed, roaring something that the wind and fire and stars drowned out.

And drowned herself in wine and music and pleasure each night.

The corpses inside the hemisphere ignored him, but around the perimeter of air more and more of the drowned were gathering, thronging the ocean bed, and were staring in at him with murderous eyes.

So as soon as he’d dumped Nesta at the House, he’d headed to a deserted cliff by the sea where the roar of the surf drowned the raging heat in his bones.

We couldn’t have too many soldiers here, for fear of provoking the drowned.

Iron posts, carved with warding marks and linked with chain, deterred the drowned and the ghosts that haunted many foreshores.

Its two-toned lowing blew out over the choppy sea, sorrowful as the widows of the drowned.

He searched for its source, but the panicked screech of the monitors echoing around the room drowned out every other noise.

The army of the drowned moved forward, the column splitting, regiments arraying themselves for battle.

He held up an arm made of drowned men, wood, the corpses of giant fish and other things besides, and brought his legions to a halt.