“ACQUITTANCE” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
voucher note acknowledgment chit release acquittance
освобождение от долга
acquittance acquittal
освобождение от обязательства
погашение долга
amortization satisfaction acquittance liquidation


имя существительное


примеры использования

Upon partial payment, the creditor may insist on receiving a new bond for the remnant, or he may give an acquittance for the part paid.

If expenses incurred exceeded the value of the travel advance, approval from the Group Head is required prior to submitting the acquittance to your Interface Administrator.

The University will provide accurate and timely acquittances to granting bodies in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in each grant contract or agreement.

Requirements to be met so that paid cheques do not have to be obtained from banks by public health organisations as acquittances for payment made.

Missing from the acquittances are the parishes on the west of the county in Wigmore, Huntington and Ewias Lacy hundreds, including Leominster.