“BASICALLY” на русском языке


другие переводы

в основном
in the main basically substantially above all
по существу
substantially essentially in essence basically in substance inherently
в своей основе
в основе
basically fundamentally



fundamentally essentially in essence firstly first of all first and foremost primarily at heart at bottom au fond principally chiefly above all most of all mostly mainly on the whole by and large substantially intrinsically inherently at the end of the day when all is said and done

примеры использования

What they are basically saying is that the state must fund rail because there isn't enough road capacity.

I basically played the same thing every night

It was basically names, addresses, credit card details, account numbers and so on.

A. It is essential because we are basically living in our cars all the time.

I've had a few albums bought for me before, but I'm basically illiterate when it comes to popular music.