“BRIGHTLY” на русском языке


другие переводы

bright brightly dramatically gaily glaringly flamingly
cheerfully gayly brightly



bright brilliantly

примеры использования

The motes merged with one another, glaring brightly as a forge fire.

” The duke thrust out his chest, and clenched his fists, whose fires burned brightly again.

The lights blazed as brightly as they had during the day, and a few lingering priestesses wandered the levels.

He glanced up at the brightly colored canopy above him, checking the progression of the sun.

”“The man’s a prick,” said Bannord brightly.

At the edge of the action stood a giant narjag, adorned in necklaces and brightly colored scarves.

In this small, dim, and gloomy room that the Evo-devo Biologist both worked and lived in, the monitor seemed to glow all the more brightly with him.

The amber warning light glowed brightly.

Light bloomed so brightly Deadman felt like the air itself was alive.

The gate shone brightly.

When they had gone, Charvolay gave a wicked smile of pointed teeth that shone as brightly as his silver jewellery.