“BUMPY” на русском языке


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имя прилагательное
bumpy rough jerk
uneven rough irregular bumpy rugged ragged
jerky bumpy jolty shaky


имя прилагательное

uneven rough rutted rutty pitted potholed holey lumpy rocky

примеры использования

It was a dusty and incredibly bumpy journey to Kabul, along roads whose tarmac had been destroyed by tank treads and missile attacks.

Sadly there has been an alarming deterioration and £100,000 is to be spent on the bumpy and heavily-sanded surface in the close season in an attempt to put things right.

The pair, who used their two-week summer holiday for the journey, finished on time, despite a bumpy ride.

Sure, there would be issues with narrow roads and a bumpy surface - but those are exactly the factors that make Monaco such a special test of drivers' skills.

However much a bumpy surface might have inconvenienced both sets of players, it hardly excused the lack of control and horrible mistiming of the ball which characterised the first half.