“CARS” на русском языке


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имя прилагательное
automotive automobile motor vehicular motor car's car's

примеры использования

Since this car was occupied by the well-to-do, the loot was more valuable than that taken in the second-class cars.

Hammersmith Road was in front, the cars bunching up and loosening in a continuous concertina.

She stopped on the street outside one house in an unremarkable row of tall houses with steep sloping roofs, and squeezed between two cars parked close, bumper to bumper, in a long line of cars that all faced the same way.

Sometimes he would detail cars for hustlers but he didn’t have any real paper—not like he was used to—hell, before he’d gotten locked up he had thousands of dollars on him at all times.

In an instant the cars were ablaze, as if by explosion.

The dual carriageway was in sight, the cars driving past, people on their early morning commutes, so close, and not one of them seeing the warehouse and what was within.

There was only standing-room in the second-class cars which the new-corners had boarded.

After a while you are broke and you begin once more pushing gents for a dime, sleeping in freight cars or under trees or what have you.

The men distributed themselves slowly over both the second-class cars and the one first-class car.

For a few seconds all the people in the passenger cars behaved as if paralyzed.

As they entered to repeat here what they had accomplished in the second-class cars the lieutenant returned from the dining-car.