“DAMAGED” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя прилагательное
damaged injured defective faulty hurt beat-up
spoiled depraved tainted damaged corrupt bad


имя прилагательное



harm deface mutilate mangle impair injure disfigure vandalize tamper with sabotage ruin destroy wreck trash vitiate

примеры использования

Once Sam’s eyes had adjusted to the darkness and he could finally survey his surroundings, he could see damaged shells scattered all around him.

’‘No, he wasn’t damaged.

” The limp of the damaged god was pronounced, but Qurunad’s voice was unaffected by pain, and was oddly flat for the lack of discomfort.

They had severe internal bruising, but luckily, none of their organs were damaged irreparably.

“My father’s greatsword,” asked Cinda, “was it damaged in the fighting yesterday?

The dragging foot scratched the marble, but it rippled and healed itself as soon as it was damaged.

“Do you want to live out your days as damaged goods?

Did he also know that if Sam’s body was damaged for any other reason, his ka would not be able to come back to this world, nor would it be able to pass on to the world of the dead?

Honey, you ain’t nothing but damaged goods!

Because if you damaged the skin enough, the next shed wouldn’t be clean, or easy.

“We’ll pay for the blades if they’re damaged.