“DIAPEDESIS” на русском языке


примеры использования

An elevated glucose level also affects polymorphonuclear lymphocytes, causing decreased chemotaxis, diapedesis , and phagocytosis, which in turn leads to a decreased ability to fight infection.

These events contribute to leukocyte diapedesis across the endothelial monolayer and tissue inflammation.

Based on his studies of a frog's tongue, Waller made important observations on diapedesis of leukocytes and reported that pus originated from ‘the colourless of spherical corpuscles from the capillaries.’

This stress relief prolongs the bond lifetime and lowers the chance of extraction of selectins from the rolling cell surface and hence helps keep the cell linked to the endothelium until firm arrest and diapedesis occur.

In 1870, Woodward observed a photomicrograph from the stomach of a mare with gastroenteritis demonstrating a white blood cell undergoing diapedesis from a small vein.