“DIMETHOATE” на русском языке


примеры использования

While methyl parathion is more acutely toxic than the other two OPs, over time a child's chronic exposure to dimethoate and acephate can be just as dangerous.

Other insecticides have a narrower range of activity, such as dimethoate and Metasystox-R, which are toxic primarily to sucking pests such as aphids.

The major OP insecticides used include acephate, azinphos methyl, chlorpyrifos, dimethoate , disulfoton, fenamiphos, and phosmet.

In the past, the grass mites in most areas of the state have been controlled reasonably well with dimethoate , which is the least expensive product.

Consider alternating synthetic pyrethroids such as permethrin or fenvalerate to organophosphates such as stirofos, dimethoate , or fenthion to carbamates such as methomyl.