“EMPTINESS” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
emptiness void vacuum hollow blank vacancy
emptiness vacuity inanity vapidity insignificance insignificancy


имя существительное

void vacuum empty space vacuity gap vacancy hollowness hole lack

примеры использования

She strained inward, reaching for it, but only emptiness met her.

Too much emptiness.

Surely there was something there to long for, to yearn to reclaim, yet all she found was a bitter emptiness.

Yawning emptiness answered.

She looked for the elation of victory she ought to feel and found nothing but emptiness and a longing for the home she’d never had.

Desiring to fill this emptiness also, he planted a garden of stars to prettify his worlds.

‘I am saddened too,’ she whispered to the emptiness.

He felt like the emptiness was swallowing him up.

After a bit he took to singing to himself just to make the emptiness go away.

The huge vast emptiness suddenly all around him made him want to scream.

The emptiness forced its way into him.