“EXACTLY” на русском языке


другие переводы

smooth exactly flat level even smoothly
exactly precisely accurately just for sure definitely
exactly namely precisely just videlicet
как раз
just exactly right even as even plumb
совершенно верно
exactly just so precisely



precisely entirely absolutely completely totally just quite in every way in every respect one hundred percent every inch to a T on the money


precisely yes that's right just so quite so quite indeed absolutely you got it

примеры использования

We can never know exactly where we shall regain the Earth,” he said.

And then he turned away and raised his arm and tapped it, and she understood exactly what he meant.

”The first three officers responding to the call saw exactly what they were supposed to see: a dangerous, bloody scene.

She doesn’t answer me, exactly.

He considered the safest place of all exactly between the two Americans, Dobbs above him, and Moulton beneath him.

’ She opened the ramp, walked out with the Elemental Man at her heels and found the two golems standing exactly where they’d been two days before.

They stood right up close to the edge, apparently not too bothered by any notion of falling, peering down and jabbering to each other with exactly the animation of a crowd of people who’d had their first sight of a fire-breathing monster shooting past their doorstep.

She can’t tell, but she’s determined to push forward and let him know exactly how she feels and what she wants.

How did Joy know a day off was exactly what he needed?

He looked exactly as he always had – scruffy, tired and slightly irritable, the same Belli she’d worked with all these months – but now he’d brought a dead man back to life.

It made Tsen unreasonably cross and he was almost minded to take off Bronzehand’s ring and write him a little letter and show it to him, telling him exactly what he thought of them all.