“EXPLAINED” на русском языке


другие переводы

explain account for account interpret justify elucidate
explain expound elucidate illuminate irradiate
explain interpret
interpret read explain expound translate flap about
justify warrant defend excuse acquit explain



describe give an explanation of make clear make intelligible spell out put into words elucidate expound explicate clarify throw/shed light on gloss interpret

примеры использования

He wished Aarin had explained how to use it properly.

”“You tried, lass, and the king’s law is based on intent,” explained Rew.

Azriel went on, watching them vanish, “Clotho explained it to the others—and they chose to find other ways to fulfill their day.

“I’d bet good silver that they’re assaulting the tower,” explained Rew.

She must have made a face because Emerie explained quietly, “Tea is in short supply here—a luxury that I indulge.

The many other rules by which you must now abide will be explained as opportunity presents itself.

“Low magic, like empathy, communion, and illusion, is all based on connections to nature or between people,” explained Cinda.

In general the lodgers were bakery workers, street-payers, watchmen, cooks and waiters in cafes, news-boys; and many had professions and jobs which cannot be easily named or explained in a few words.

“I was just checking on dessert,” Elain explained as they approached the doorway and Azriel.

“Your mom is having a hard time with your sister’s belongings still being here,” he explained.

“He’s got a date with the incinerator,” Igor explained.