“FED” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя прилагательное
fed full-fed
provided secure assured easy accommodated fed


имя существительное

federal official federal

примеры использования

It was a future that fed its hunger.

She fed the fat little flame of it, fed it photographs of the two of them, then the poems he had written for her:Our skins entwineand ruband bleed togetherso our love sinks deeperdeeper to the bonesthe bonesand beyondIt deserved to burn; all the untrue, stupid sentences of the world should burn.

He talked one man into biting out his own wrists because Dunets wanted his boots,” he said, pointing at a second sleeping man, better fed and dressed than the others.

Where I come from, failing to address one’s speaker properly can mean being fed to their dragons before the sun sets.

I have a request from Goodfellow Morthrock for young workers to be housed and fed at his expense.

For that price I can get them in Durango at the market, better fed and without sore backs.

Beyond was the Tying Room, where the jade ravens were fed while the scribes’ messages were tied to their feet.

Keep them fed and happy, control the deaths, and they wouldn’t crawl out of the water to snatch the children.

Howard could have lived here until the end of his days and been worshipped and fed and treated like a high priest.

Empty cardboard boxes sat open on the floor, waiting to be fed records, books, and other knickknacks.

As far as the watching guard could tell, that was all he ever did, check on her and force a little water into her now and then – he and the guard both took a good swig of it before they fed any to Li – but what he’d forced into Li when he’d found her dying on his floor hadn’t been a potion but his blood, pure and strong, and there were consequences to doing a thing like that.