“FUSSY” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя прилагательное
fussy bustling fidgety scurrying persnickety pernickety
fussy mannered baroque plateresque rococo arty-crafty
fastidious choosy fussy particular choosey queasy
nervous nerve neural jittery jumpy fussy
clumsy plateresque tacky fussy tinkering


имя прилагательное

finicky particular overparticular fastidious discriminating selective dainty hard to please difficult exacting demanding faddish persnickety choosy picky

примеры использования

The Grand Captain was a known perfectionist, and would have driven many of his men to frustration with his fussy attention to details if not for his charisma.

A fussy mother of the Caucasian bride and an over-zealous traditional aunt of the East-Indian groom make this road to marital bliss rougher than it needs to be.

It's not hard and roses aren't really all that fussy , but the creation of a proper rosebed can mean the difference between mediocre roses and absolutely fabulous ones.

If you find a Stream with a badly worn interior it's either been to the moon and back or had a very hard life, so be fussy and accept only the best.

Most often it doesn't and he goes all sullen and broody, muttering about fussy neighbours and piling even more garden waste on the smoking heap.