“GIGANTIC” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя прилагательное
giant gigantic huge mammoth jumbo gargantuan
gigantic giant monstrous monster gigantesque Herculean
enormous huge vast great tremendous gigantic


имя прилагательное

huge enormous vast extensive very big very large giant massive colossal mammoth immense monumental mountainous titanic towering elephantine king-size(d) economy-size(d) gargantuan mega monster whopping humongous jumbo hulking bumper ginormous

примеры использования

A gigantic wave carried Sam away, far from the shoreline.

This place was an enormous hole bored into ground; a gigantic crack that symbolized the division of America.

He was walking around inside the guts of some gigantic creature.

Brauctha took Tuvacs in two gigantic hands.

A gigantic serpent-like animal reared four ugly heads.

Trees towered over it, forced to gigantic sizes through competition with their fellows.

”Tallimastus swelled to gigantic proportions.

Sam may have been successful in activating the waystation’s—that gigantic crucifix’s—telecommunications terminal, but he had been stuck on the shore for quite a while now, unable to find a way across the tar.

It felt like he was witnessing the birth of some gigantic creature, something stupendous that would be depicted in legends.