“GREED” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
greed avarice greediness avidity rapacity cupidity
greed avarice avidity cupidity greediness


имя существительное

avarice cupidity acquisitiveness covetousness rapacity materialism mercenariness pleonexia money-grubbing affluenza

примеры использования

His own greed concluded the process.

I’m glad there’s one among you whose wisdom exceeds his greed at last.

So the poison of greed has him as well, thought Shrane.

“The Spaniards in their greed for gold tried to locate all the gold and silver mines on seeing the rich treasures of the Aztec and the Tarascan kings.

And that was the snarled thread that pulled her out—the naked gleam of his greed.

And after the news he’d go to a party where one of them—tall and lanky—might wrap a craggy, oaken hand about his shoulders and recite the beautiful truths of the world to come, a millennial Earth without want or injustice, without greed or shame.

Fear and greed tipped the scales.

She’d never forget the sound of her dress tearing, the greed in his eyes as his hands pawed at her skirts, trying to raise them as he fumbled with the buckle on his belt.

Filden was thinking it was he, Vand, who had lost them, his gamble; that Vand had indulged Trassan’s plan from greed.