“INEVITABLE” на русском языке


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имя прилагательное
inevitable unavoidable inescapable necessary ineluctable unpreventable
inevitable unavoidable unpreventable impendent pending
unaltered constant unchangeable immutable invariable inevitable


имя прилагательное

unavoidable inescapable inexorable ineluctable assured certain sure fixed fated destined predestined predetermined unpreventable ineludible

примеры использования

After studying his emotionally charged lyrics to Joyride more times than she cares to count the last few years, she convinced herself this meetup would be inevitable.

Anyone could see that Billie and Jack’s divorce was inevitable.

Elain had accepted his death as inevitable.

Not until he began to load the burros did he remember Curtin, whose absence he considered now as something as inevitable as fate.

But with the shape the world’s in, it’ll only be delaying the inevitable.

Although it was more a case of being resigned to the inevitable than actually being keen on the idea.

Here comes the guilt again: inescapable, inevitable.

In the aerial views the streets are packed, and then the camera cuts to the inevitable close-up of angry faces, and a car on fire.

But you can’t stop the inevitable.

Rel prepared to ask the inevitable follow up question, but Shkarauthir had evidently learned something of non-modalmen during their association, and offered an explanation.

” Dylan knew Billie bailing on the band was inevitable.