“INFANTRY” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
infantry foot dogface


имя существительное

infantrymen foot soldiers foot guards the ranks GIs cannon fodder grunts footmen

примеры использования

”Breathing a quick sigh of relief, Rew answered, “He was training in Mordenhold for a position in the king’s infantry.

When Jon had first been assigned to them, the young man had spent his childhood on a farm and a year training to join the king’s infantry.

The cages made a long line winding across the desert, flanked by lines of dispersed modalmen riders and infantry.

Soldiers in the bright yellow uniforms of the Karsan infantry ran inside in two files, weapons at the ready.

Seeing this, the female Child of the Five went into a frenzy of activity, sending out orders via her flagmen to prepare her infantry to fend off the charge.

These swept back and forth over the marching infantry in impatience at their sluggish speed.