“INFRASTRUCTURE” на русском языке


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As they attempted to convince people of a future with a rebuilt USA, Amelie and the others had established infrastructure and facilities along the route.

Bridges put infrastructure in place and began to redistribute the supplies that had been getting held up.

Cultivating new places and building the infrastructure to give other people a future is in our blood.

Sure, if Sam connected the infrastructure left behind by Bridges I using the Q-pid then he could activate the Chiral Network, but what would be the point if the cities and facilities had already been destroyed?

The infrastructure they had built was designed to work with the protocols that had been developed previously.

That’s no ordinary communications infrastructure.

When Bridges I had visited, they built lots of infrastructure around Lake Knot City, which had made it easier to hear about what was happening on the outside.

What little landline infrastructure remained intact wasn’t reliable enough to connect the disparate facilities and cities.

That infrastructure would become the foundation of the Chiral Network, which in turn was to become the backbone of the UCA.

She had been half-forced to head out with Amelie on Bridges I, establishing infrastructure and organization throughout the scattered communities that lay across this land.

They’re integrated into the infrastructure of Knot Cities for that very reason—every single one you’ve brought into the fold.