“LACKED” на русском языке


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lack fail be shy of
lack miss fail be shy of
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lack want
need require be in need want lack demand
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be without be in need of need be lacking require want be short of be deficient in be bereft of be low on be pressed for have insufficient be strapped for

примеры использования

Though he had the physique of a modalman, he lacked their clan markings.

It was a clear day, and Rel guessed he could probably see for two hundred miles or more, but the human eye lacked the strength to make use of the mountain’s height, and long before the horizon the black desert blended into one, unbroken declivity of uncertain angle, dark grey in the bright light of the sun.

He lacked his right eye.

The family resemblance with Vols Iapetus was unmistakeable, although the man lacked Vols’ less fortunate features, being strongly muscled and handsome, with a full head of hair.

”“Your sister already possessed a skill set you don’t have, and also lacked the luxury of time.

Rel recognised it as the same kind of device he had seen in his vision at Losirna, although this one was damaged, and therefore lacked the smooth, effortless motion of those machines.