“LINES” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
слова роли
lines line
брачное свидетельство
lines marriage lines
расположение войск


имя существительное

dash rule bar score underline underscore stroke slash stria striation


furrow wrinkle crease pucker mark with lines

примеры использования

To cut it, to measure, sew it and dress it and grind it up small and put it in those endless lines of pills.

Fifty years ago, during the last full-scale war with the Dark Kind, Rew knew they’d wreaked havoc behind the lines as the quick-moving groups ravaged small settlements, but that had been the last time Rew was aware the units had operated effectively.

They veered off to the left, to Max’s enormous car park with its painted white lines and gleaming vehicles.

The door hung open, its oak surface scarred with twisting lines of char.

I start working through all the Google results for Petra Cross, methodically, while the serious news presenter returns and runs through the same lines about the rally all over again.

I discovered that the lines are not of uniform depth, but made up of thousands of tiny indentations.

Dark lines ran in from the corners and the edges, converging on an annulus at the centre pierced by a small spire, the mysterious Azahl Pillar.

ROSE: Petra had some talented friends in… unusual lines of work.

A framed pen-and-ink drawing of the Eiffel Tower, just a few lines creating the feeling of the city, hangs over the clawfoot bathtub.

She read the first few lines beneath it, then nearly dropped the pages.

Though combat between them continued sporadically, the Morfaan from both sides trained their guns on the conjoined Draathis horde, blasting holes in their lines.