“NORTH” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
северный ветер
north Boreas
северные страны
north northland
северная часть страны
северный район города
на север
north northward northwards northwardly
к северу
north northward northwards northerly northwardly
в северном направлении
north northerly to the northward
имя прилагательное
northern Nordic north northerly boreal arctic
обращенный к северу
northerly north
двигаться на север


имя прилагательное

northern northerly polar Arctic boreal


northerly northwards northward

имя существительное

compass north magnetic north

примеры использования

When guarded with a full complement of soldiers, it would be nearly impregnable to any attacking force that didn’t come with the necessary siege equipment, but at the moment, the soldiers on the walls were clustering along the battlement, pointing and gesturing to what must be the growing presence of the Dark Kind north of the city.

All of the soldiers on the north side were looking out to where the Dark Kind must be assaulting the walls of the city now.

An enclosed carriage, with a sole barred window in its rear-facing door, was already racing away to the mill’s north entrance.

Next day they took the night train to San Luis Potosi, where they boarded the train for Aguascalientes to reach the main line going north.

She moved so she could look to the north and to the heart of the Konsidar.

After two days on the river, the swamps of the Lair fell behind them, the banks turned rocky and barren and Tsen saw the first distant summits of the Konsidar ahead, the southern rim that cradled the Vespinarr basin before the greater peaks of the Righteous Ones further to the north.

“This is why we go north.

“I was told that to the north of the river, near the Altamira section, there might be something doing very soon.

And whichever of her friends lay to the south wasn’t in nearly as much danger as the one to the north.

The poor were much in evidence upon the Golden Lane, the high road out to the north of Karsa City.

We go straight up north and leave that ass flat.