“NUTS” на русском языке


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имя прилагательное
nuts crazy loony bonkers mad wacky
bonkers mad crazy freak hooked nuts
daffy kook nuts daft
crazy mad batty barmy gonzo nuts
имя существительное
мелкий уголь
nuts coaldust nut


имя прилагательное

infatuated with devoted to in love with smitten with enamored of hot for keen on mad about crazy about nutty about wild about hooked on gone on

примеры использования

From his knees, he reached back and felt for the nuts of his choker, seeking to rip them from the man’s body.

He was standing against the warehouse wall with a resigned look on his face like, “Shoot me if you wanna, niggah, but I’ma go out holding my nuts.

Her people owned a time-share up in the Poconos, and even though Raheem knew she was a hoe, the prospect of a long weekend getting his nuts sucked dry was enough to make him agree to drive her up there for Labor Day.

Sometimes he seems perfectly all right, and then again he seems to be all nuts.

He couldn’t even wrap his mind around the shit Malik was telling him on the line, and a steely mask came down over his face as rage settled in his nuts.

And I’ve seen places, too, where you could pick up the nuggets like nuts under a walnut-tree in the fall.

You can fuck my little sister in my crib, then come stand in my kitchen where I can smell your nuts?

He slapped the girl on the ass, snatching his pipe out of her and putting a freeze on both of their nuts.

They had just sipped some Krug and he was sitting in a chair rubbing his nuts.

’They backed away and scuttled into the darkness and returned a few moments later with bowls of nuts and dried berries and leaves.

Was she nuts?