“POLLEX” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
большой палец руки
thumb pollex


имя существительное


примеры использования

The first dorsal has been found divided into two, one part going to the pollex and one to the index; this is a very rare anomaly, not occurring more often than once in 120 subjects.

All eusauropods, in contrast, are characterized by a shortened manus in which each digit bears two or fewer phalanges, and only the pollex bears an ungual.

The eyes are usually very small, the feet are plantigrade and have five digits, and neither the hallux or pollex is opposable.

Four clawed digits are found on each forefoot (the pollex or ‘thumb’ is small and bears a nail); the hind foot in most has five clawed digits (but sometimes the hallux or first toe has a nail).

The forefeet and hindfeet have 3 large digits; the pollex and hallux are reduced in size or absent and the fifth finger is very small.