“ROB” на русском языке


другие переводы

rob plunder loot pillage despoil strip
deprive lose bereave rob strip divest
rob plunder commit robberies maraud be on the pad
take deprive take away subtract rob take up
rob pirate
вести очистные работы
имя существительное
robber burglar mugger plunderer looter rob



burgle burglarize steal from hold up break into raid loot plunder pillage knock off stick up

примеры использования

They might, out of pure curiosity, search the packs, and if they discover what is in them they will rob you, perhaps kill you.

“Did you ever think that he might be a spy sent by the government or by the chieftains of a horde of bandits, to watch for our return and rob us or get the government to confiscate all we’ve made?

There seemed no reason for being afraid of a poor Indian, but they began to feel sure that this single native was only the spy for a whole horde of bandits who were eager to rob the two strangers of the little they possessed.

We fought for land, for rivers, for salt deposits, for lakes, and mostly to defend ourselves against savage tribes who tried to rob us of our land and its products.

Rew guessed the thieves wouldn’t rob their neighbors.

The villagers must have tipped them off that the bandits had gone up to this plateau to rob the gringo of his shotguns and provisions, for these soldiers were coming up the trail to the camp.

Even if they don’t know that we’ve got good pay with us, they might rob us just for our burros and hides and, what is of more worth to them, for our shotguns, tools, clothes.

What is more, along the road to the camps there are also sometimes a lot of bandits sitting and waiting for someone to come along to rob.

What had Max done to rob her of her control?

You would rob me of my kingdom!

Not for a moment did I ever mean to rob you or to harm you.