“SCAM” на русском языке



имя существительное

fraud swindle fraudulent scheme racket trick pharming con hustle flimflam bunco grift gyp shakedown


swindle cheat deceive trick dupe hoodwink double-cross gull rip off con fleece shaft hose sting bilk diddle rook gyp finagle bamboozle flimflam put one over on pull a fast one on sucker stiff shake down hornswoggle

примеры использования

The scam tries to trick customers into giving away confidential bank details.

One need look no further than the daily newspaper to see that securities fraud is the scam du jour.

However these rules will not stop you from being scammed as a scam is more psychological than anything else.

an insurance scam

If there is an illegal immigrant scam or a marriage scam , then the department must be involved.