“SOL” на русском языке


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имя существительное
salt G sol point saline sal


имя существительное

so soh

примеры использования

At this stage the mixture is known as a sol , and contains sufficient energy for the molecules to move freely in the mixture.

De Hevesy dissolved the medals in acid, creating a colloidal sol so dark it was virtually black.

Conversely, in areas where the silica was less concentrated, a gel would not form; rather, horizontal Uruguay bands would form by precipitation and settling out of silica crystallites from the aqueous sol .

Peru's sol reached a decade high against the dollar after its foreign-currency debt rating was raised to investment grade by Fitch Ratings yesterday, increasing the allure of the nation's securities.

This concept does not entail the simultaneous existence of a silica gel and a sol , but rather a coexistence of short-chain silica polymers and monosilicic acid that condense to form quartz fibers.