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“C’mere,” he said, turning her around and taking her pink halter strings in his hands.
She didn’t want to know where all twenty-six strings might take her if strummed.
Her hand reached toward the strings.
Afterward, we can get back to the important job of researching the Death—”Heartman collapsed like the strings on a mannequin had been cut, and his body crumpled to the floor.
Nesta counted the strings.
Nesta paused before the Harp, the wards pressing into her skin as she surveyed its golden frame and silver strings.
And in its center—the golden Harp, covered in intricate embossing, set with silver strings.
Others, again, whose belongings hung on the wall covered them with sacking and then fastened them with strings crosswise tight against the wall, so that it would have been difficult for a thief to drag a pair of pants or a shirt out of this mass of clothes.
It had been out there, picking at him, pulling at the strings of his soul.
“Somebody untied my strings!
She wore flip-flops and a white lace cover-up with way too many peekaboo holes, because underneath he saw strings.