“TOPS” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя прилагательное
great excellent cool splendid classy tops
optimum prime banner topflight tops top-of-the-line
great sumptuous gorgeous magnificent excellent tops
beautiful fine great glorious lovely tops
имя существительное
отличный человек
ripsnorter tops
превосходная вещь
topper tops ripper ripsnorter
самое лучшее
the best best thing cream tops pick of


имя прилагательное

topnotch top-notch tiptop first-rate ace super crack

имя существительное

summit peak pinnacle crest crown brow head tip apex vertex


exceed surpass go beyond better best beat outstrip outdo outshine eclipse go one better than cap

примеры использования

They were visible in a thin band a thousand paces above, where the tops of the Spine’s peaks reached.

Five minutes, tops.

”Dylan tops off his drink and Chase heads to the door.

The lower portions were as red as all the rest, but the tops were a brilliant, iridescent blue, their tips framing a green spot ringed in black.

I see people unfurl banners from their bags and shake them out, red paint on white cloth, and others unzip tops to reveal T-shirts underneath, bearing bold red lettering.

Foothills gave way to sudden cliffs that rose so high it hurt Rel’s neck to look up to their tops.