“TORS” на русском языке


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имя существительное
скалистая вершина холма

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Occasionally, highly visible rocks seem to have been singled out for special attention, as with some of the natural tors on Bodmin Moor.

Most of the time Carson's wider view was blocked by the tors and rock faces, though every once in a while a sight of the valleys below him and the summits above him would peek through.

This involves picking your way through the rocks, which are part of one of the tors on Ben Rinnes.

A little to the south-east of this summit lies a curious constellation of rock tors , three individual outcrops of fine - grained granite.

This final rise on the ridge is noted for its two granite warts, or tors , the Clach Choutsaich, Coutt's Stone and the Argyll Stone, a larger and more impressive tor than can easily be seen from certain parts of the Spey valley.