“VOLVOX” на русском языке


примеры использования

One of the prettiest creatures you may catch sight of is a tumbling, crystalline, globe-shaped alga known as volvox .

And they grow baby volvoxes inside the sphere and, when they are big enough, the parent volvox opens and out comes the baby ready to begin life on its own.

We used a projection microscope to watch their movements, including the bursting of ‘daughter’ volvoxes from the parent sphere.

There are some organisms which consist of a single cell e.g.bacteria, single-celled algae, amobae, parameciums, volvoxes .

The development of volvoxes which are mutant for both the gls and regA loci resembles that of simpler volvocaceans, wherein all cells first differentiate as somatic cells and then later become reproductive cells.