“CALM” на казахском языке


другие переводы

имя прилагательное
calm moderate


имя прилагательное

serene tranquil relaxed unruffled unperturbed unflustered untroubled equable even-tempered placid unexcitable unemotional phlegmatic composed 'calm, cool, and collected' coolheaded nonconfrontational self-possessed unflappable unfazed nonplussed

имя существительное

tranquility stillness calmness quiet quietness quietude peace peacefulness


soothe pacify placate mollify appease conciliate quiet (down) relax

примеры использования

Behind them, Raif’s breathing was still coming fast, but Anne’s voice was low and calm.

“I must appeal for calm.

”Azriel took a calm sip of his water.

It was the next phase in the Valkyrie mind-training: to go from seated calm to active soothing.

Deadman’s calm voice replied.

Rhys’s face was carefully calm.

If he could predict when the calm would come, he might be able to move.

Despite his calm voice, the eyes behind his spectacles had lost some of their composure.

He forced himself to be calm and looked around for Diamond Eye but the great dragon hadn’t come back.

They couldn’t get at us from every side; that long calm lake – a reservoir, in fact – deterred just about all of them, except for the few who were desperate enough to hire boats from the local sailing club, from time to time.

Just a quiet and calm Beach.