“CRACK” на казахском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
light hernia crack leak


имя существительное

split break chip fracture rupture crazing


break split fracture rupture snap

имя прилагательное

expert skilled skillful formidable virtuoso masterly consummate excellent first-rate first-class marvelous wonderful magnificent outstanding superlative deadly great superb fantastic ace hotshot mean demon brilliant crackerjack bang-up

примеры использования

What do you mean by that crack?

He could see light bleeding out from the crack beneath the door, but over the sounds of the soldiers storming into the warehouse and capturing the thieves, he couldn’t hear anything behind the barrier.

It lashes the great towers with its tail until they crack.

Couldn’t stand the crack and snap of a fireplace.

A shout rang out from the rubble, then another and a crack of lightning and he was off his wall in a flash, crouched behind the gold-glass shield he’d stolen off a dead Taiytakei halfway up the Eye of the Sea Goddess, peering out in case everything was about to kick off again.

They trudged on, the slavers exhorting them to a faster pace with threats and now and then the crack of a whip.

The walls lit up with a flare of orange light and a crack of lightning shook the air and then another.

Trill was fully aware that the four thousand grams of crack cocaine in his hiding spot was 3,400 grams more than enough to get him a mandatory life sentence in a federal penitentiary.

Sometimes we merely watch and crack our fingers and cover our faces with gleeful smiles.

” The crack was the darkest thing Rel had ever seen.

By the time he emerged from the crack the wind was blasting from it.