“EVERY” на казахском языке


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each each and every every single

примеры использования

He stared at the man a while, as he did every time he came here, then turned away.

“Anyway, and perhaps for your own good, Howy, it would be better to cut the proceeds every night and each partner be responsible for his own goods.

Perhaps the hate and anger of losing his one and only child had pushed Cliff so far over the edge that he wanted to bring the extinction and violently trample all over the life and death that belonged by right to every other soul.

”She swallowed, and knew the two females beside her were eating up every word.

Holes for every taste.

The Black Moon, chasing the sun across the sky, a little closer with every dawn until the Splintering had come and ripped the world apart and the Black Moon had shattered and its pieces had fallen across the earth .

They came every day, not the same killers each time, but every day in every face she saw the same.

”You can return every Solstice present in exchange for letting me tear him apart, Feyre said.

Him, a t’varr to a sea lord no less, who read people at a glance every day.

The Taiytakei around the cannon were pulverised and the blast picked up and shook every sled within a hundred yards, flinging them through the air, shrugging off riders to crash to the yard or the walls or fall screaming to the all-devouring storm-dark a mile below.

Fighting the power of the bargain with his every breath.