“FARM” на казахском языке


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имя существительное

ranch farmstead plantation estate family farm dairy farm hobby farm farmland market garden


work the land be a farmer cultivate the land rear livestock

примеры использования

The narjags had traveled only a few leagues from Bartrim’s farm to where Rew had found their trail the day before.

With the money he went back to his native state, Kansas, where he bought a farm and led an easy life.

“The second night after the party was back home again, his farm buildings were burned to the ground.

If the boy could find Bartrim’s farm without having to ask for guidance, he was making improvements.

“It was these exaggerated tales that brought to the mind of adventurous men living in the same county where Harry Tilton had his farm bits of the story Harry had told.

If the Dark Kind have regained the ability to cast spells… I don’t suppose you followed their tracks back and saw what they’ve been up to between Bartrim’s farm and where you caught them?

Who could have opened that portal near Bartrim’s farm?

“I spent a lot of time on my grandfather’s farm driving tractors and his old truck.

When Jon had first been assigned to them, the young man had spent his childhood on a farm and a year training to join the king’s infantry.

He prefers the thought of a tall strong soldier, or a nurse, or a fellow farm worker with ruddy cheeks and planted legs.

‘A goodlady should be engaged in improving pursuits, not brawling in the mud with farm brats,’ he’d say.