“FATHER” на казахском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
father dad


имя существительное

dad daddy pop pa dada papa old man patriarch paterfamilias


parent be the father of bring into the world spawn sire breed beget engender

примеры использования

There was a sort of delicious frustration to be experienced in doing it all right, even if she was tired and irritable by the time Bolsun’s little flock of children were orbiting their father properly.

But he was discovered and his father launched into a rage and attacked him.

Since the young woman had tried to speak to her about how wonderful Nesta’s father had been, how he had been a true father to her, helped her and won her this temporary freedom, and on and on until Nesta’s bones were screaming to get away, her blood boiling to think that her father had found his courage for someone other than her and her sisters.

It was the smell of a father.

She had never spoken of her father beyond the wing clipping.

He grew not only in size but in intelligence, and the nearer he came to manhood, the more sorrowful became his father.

It wasn’t Elain’s fault their father had died.

“My father has placed his faith in the strength of our family’s magic rather than our strength of arms.

”“Our father?

“My father was a … traditional male.

My uncle Calvin was more like a father to me.