“FREAK” на казахском языке



имя прилагательное

unusual anomalous aberrant atypical unrepresentative irregular fluky exceptional unaccountable bizarre queer peculiar odd freakish unpredictable unforeseeable unexpected unanticipated surprising rare singular isolated

имя существительное

aberration abnormality irregularity oddity monster monstrosity mutant freak of nature


go crazy go mad go out of one's mind go to pieces crack snap lose control panic become hysterical lose it lose one's cool crack up go ape go postal

примеры использования

“Mark isn’t going to freak when you don’t call him tomorrow?

After ten minutes, he understands this freak like he’s never understood me.

He’d do just about anything she wanted, but putting his mouth on a nasty freak like Lissa was outta the damn question.

She’d gone from perspiring in the heat and humidity and singing with Dylan as they drove toward Chicago to dancing with him in the rain alongside the highway, then on to soaked and shivering and seeking shelter from a freak storm.

”Lissa was a skank freak from Harlem, but she gave some damn good brain.

” Mark would freak if she picked up a stranger on the road.

For a freak who pecked wood the way she did, it surprised Raheem that she’d given up on her demand that he go south on her.