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One of them was the man with the huge gilded palm hat.
The mestizos wore their huge palm hats pulled rather low on their foreheads, for the wind would blow their hats off when riding on the train, as they prefer to stand on the platform or sit on the steps, partly because they feel uneasy inside the train, partly owing to their fear of train-wrecks.
When he looked up, a huge wave was before him.
Lin Feyn pointed to the huge open space sprawled in front of the Visonda Palace, to the circle of intersecting lines that came together in its centre.
Sex was a huge part of it.
The buildings were so huge they barred the sun from the city.
They were slow and evidently slow-witted, but they were huge.
City below, stars above, and between them blazed a huge opal where the swimming pool had been.
Overwhelmingly huge.
“There are four more stories in the tower above this room, and there’s huge space beneath our feet.
The living lights of thousands of modalmen and huge herds of garau shimmered in the dark.